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For more Full Movies see http://searchfor.tk/fullmovies Steve McQueen 24th March 1930 - 7th November 1980. Steve McQueen is an Icon and is still considered "Hip and Cool" Steve McQueen died of a lung cancer associated with asbestos. He thought that his illness was a direct result of massive exposure while removing asbestos lagging from pipes aboard a troop ship while in the US Marines. In this film, Nevada Smith (1966), McQueen plays the part of a young man, maybe late teens or early twenties, although he was in his mid thirties at the time. There are moments in the film where you have to stretch your imagination somewhat, to see him as the young character that he portrays. Joanna Moore 10th November 1934 - 22nd November 1997. Joanna married Ryan O'Neal on April 3rd 1963 and divorced in February 1967. Joanna is the mother of Tatum O'Neal and Griffin O'Neal. NEVADA SMITH (1966) Nevada Smith is a rugged innocent boy born in the 1890s during California's gold rush days to a Kiowa Indian mother and white father. When he finds his parents have been horribly tortured and murdered by three vicious killers, he sets out to hunt them down. Whilst the film is a western with plenty of action, it has also a powerful and revealing study of the regeneration of a man, in this case a lone gunslinger who is so blinded by his hatred for the killers, that it obscures any other reason for living. Steve McQueen's dynamic performance of Nevada Smith is memorable.