锵锵三人行 20051005 李敖

台湾旅美知名导演李安在台北与民众分享自己的电影人生,并把脉台湾电影,评价大陆电影。有大陆学生问李安对大陆电影的看法。李安表示,大陆最大的优势是市场好,可以跟好莱坞抗衡,最近也有很多卖座电影,这是好事情。但直截了当地讲,大陆还没有很好的片子,观众的品位还需要慢慢培养。Taiwanese-American director Ang Lee in Taipei with famous people to share their career in film, and feel the pulse of Taiwanese cinema, evaluation mainland movies. There mainland student asked Ang Lee's views on the mainland movie. Lee said that the mainland market, the biggest advantage is good, you can compete with Hollywood, there are many recent blockbuster film, which is a good thing. However, bluntly speaking, the mainland is no good film, the audience's taste also need to take the train.