【TFBOYS 】易烊千璽 全新單曲《Unpredictable》動態字幕

Little bones little colored stones 小骨頭,小彩石 Try to keep try to keep you warm 試著去保持你的溫暖 If you wanna know wanna know your mind 如果你想要了解,想要了解你的心 Leave it all leave it all behind 那就放開所有,隨它而去 There are things that are better left alone 許多事情最好放手 So many questions out of your control 你無法去解決所有問題 I don't wanna know how this is gonna end 我不想知道這會如何結束 Coz it won't stop the rain from coming down again 那並無法阻擋下一次的暴雨來臨 And I don't need that superstition fortune telling future magical 我不需要那些關於未來的預言 I live a life unpredictable 我要的生活無法預測 I live a life unpredictable 我要的生活無法預測 Little leaves littla leaves will form 小小的樹葉也會長大 Try to see try to see the storm 去試圖窺探風暴 If you wanna know wanna know your heart 如果你想要了解,了解你的心 Lose it all lose it from the start 失去一切,從一開始就失去 There are things that are better left alone 許多事情最好放手 So many questions out of your control 你無法去解決所有問題 I don't wanna know how this is gonna end 我不想知道這會如何結束 Coz it won't stop the rain from coming down again 那並無法阻擋下一次的暴雨來臨 And I don't need that superstition fortune telling future magical 我不需要那些關於未來的預言 I live a life unpredictable 我要的生活無法預測 I live a life unpredictable 我要的生活無法預測 unpredictable 無法預測 unpredictable 無法預測 unpredictable 無法預測 unpredictable 無法預測 I don't wanna know how this is gonna end 我不想知道這會如何結束 Coz it won't stop the rain from coming down again 那並無法阻擋下一次的暴雨來臨I don't wanna know how this is gonna end 我不想知道這會如何結束 Coz it won't stop the rain from coming down again 那並無法阻擋下一次的暴雨來臨 And I don't need that superstition fortune telling future magical 我不需要那些關於未來的預言 I live a life unpredictable 我要的生活無法預測 I live a life unpredictable 我要的生活無法預測