ليس دائما مفيد ..تعرف على 8 أضرار لبذور السمسم (الزنجلان)

طريقة استخراج زيت جوز الهند في المنزل طبيعي %100 بكل سهول لمعرفة عمل حليب جوز https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4kskEaXO2Y لمعرفة طريقة عمل كرات الشوكولاته بالكريمة المقرمشة تابعوني على الرابط https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6b3oBbuIUNE تابعوني كذلك على صفحتي وصفات عربية وعالمية سهلة التحضير رائعة المذاق https://www.facebook.com/lallacuisine Break the coconuts with a heavy blunt object. When done, pry out the coconut meat from the coconut shell with a knife. Once the coconut is mature, the coconut meat should come out of the shell easily. Rinse the pieces of coconut thoroughly and cut them into small pieces to help your blender. Grind the pieces of coconut with warm water till smooth. Depending on the quantity you are making, you may need to grind in batches. So add to each cup / glass of coconut pieces , cup / glass of warm water ( you can add more if it is not blending well but not more than 1/4 cup of water extra ). You can use if you want dried coconut. Place cheesecloth over a bol. Pour the pureed coconut over the cloth. Wrap the cloth around the coconut mixture and squeeze the milk into the jar Squeeze hard to make sure you get every last drop. Repeat this process until all of the coconu mixture has been used. Place the liquid in a bowl and cover it with plastic wrap.Then place it in the refrigerator for all the night. By morning, you will find your coconut milk has separated into a solid, white layer on top and clear-ish liquid below. Using a spoon, gently remove the solid, white layer. This is your cold-pressed, extra virgin coconut oil! It’s also called coconut cream or coconut curd. Add the coconut curd to a heavy-bottomed pot over medium heat. Stir continuously to prevent the curd from sticking. After 10 – 15 minutes, you will see the curd will separate into light colored oil and white particles After a few more minutes, you will notice the oil changes to a pale yellow color and the particles become brown. You can turn off the heat at this point The brown curd particles will still have some oil in them and they are great to make chocolate Coconut Balls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6b3oBbuIUNE How to make coconut milk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4kskEaXO2Y {Music} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKwSQSFN4Nw https://www.facebook.com/audioloungem... Title :Happy, Upbeat Background Instrumental Artist :Audio Lounge Music