ANTM 17 - How TF didn't Allison win?!

I can't say any other thing about this All Stars season but the fact it was absolutely ROBBED. First, they gave the victory to Angelea Preston, who constantly did poorly here. Then, they decided Lisa D'amato, old and also full of bad and repetitive pictures, deserved the prize. And then, once again, we had the lovely, young, cute and amazing Allison Harvard as a runner-up. For real? Watch this video and so you will understand what I'm talking about. It's a full compilation of her moments at cycle 17 and the max prove that she DID DESERVE TO WIN. She might not have been the best at season 12, was still too insecure, but right here she had EVERYTHING for it, specially a HUGE fan base. Everybody agrees that she should've won, everybody agrees Lisa is an AWFUL winner and everybody HATES how manipulated it was. No one here is stupid to ignore that all the girls lost in order to Angelea get it, and as soon as they found out she's been an escort a year before, they then gave the title to Lisa (and now I’m excluding what I said before because I was critiqued with a person saying I was offending those who fight against addiction problems, and OMG it was NOT my point AT ALL). I hate this season's end, I hate that Dominique Reighard was eliminated for absolutely no reason, I hate that everything in this shit was completely wrong. The only thing I love in this season is Allison. And I still love her 'til this day. BTW, who is Lisa? I don´t have any rights of people, image or anything in this video. All the Rights belong to The CW Television Network. Songs by Arai Akino, named Pansy and Ring Ring. Videos every week! Follow me on Instagram: @LightingUrMind