Inside the mind of Yogeshwor Amatya | VMAG INSPIRE

The flamboyant Yogeshwor Amatya has been a well-known figure in the Nepali soft-rock scene for the past two decades. In 1995, he shot to fame as a singer with his song 'Jaba Sandhya Huncha', which he wrote as a teenager. Since then, he has produced albums like Karai Kara Le (in 1998) and Bastoo (in 2002), winning the hearts of Nepalis all over the world. In this week's Inspire interview, the singer talks to VMAG's Gaurav Pote about his childhood, his philosophy in life, his passions and, of course, his music. CONNECT WITH M&S VMAG Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Want more? Visit TEAM VMAG: VIDEO TEAM Executive Producer Sonam Tshiring Lama (Hyolmo) Producer Gaurav Pote Tenzin Choenyi Lama Editors Jitendra Shrestha Krishna Aslami Magar Manjit Lama Camerapersons Niroj Shrestha Tenzin Choenyi Lama Bijay Koju Yugal Shrestha Bishal Thapa Kaji Presenters Oshin Sitaula Biraj Singh Chettri NOTE: Reuse of our video contents is allowed on a condition that we are provided due credits as well as our partners' and our brands, trademarks and logos are made clearly and wholly visible. In case of the violation of the above condition, we may pursue legal copyright claims.