
【☝ 欢迎点击订阅華策FUN國際 Subscribe to HUACE GLOBAL FUN ☝】 ▹更多精彩大电影/Film Playlist:https://goo.gl/cNp1xs ▹剧情简介:活尸屠城的末日大灾难背景下,一对幸存的父子独守一栋废楼残喘的活着,保守的父亲一直在楼内有计划的等待救援,直到女主的出现打破了这最后一丝求生的希望,最终面对活尸的嗜血和人性的残杀,保守的父亲带着儿子不得不选择冲出这栋看似安全的居所…… ▹Synopsis:In the zombie apocalypse, a father and his baby boy survived and live in an abandoned building. The father plans to wait for the rescue, until the appearance of a woman breaks his hope. Facing the cruel reality, he has to take his son and leave their seemingly safe place… ■□更多精彩节目请订阅■□ 华策影视官方频道 https://www.youtube.com/huacemedia 华策影视Facebook官方主页 https://www.facebook.com/huacemedia/ 华策影视推特官方账号 https://twitter.com/HuaceInfo