Rino&Yuuma eating homemade Sate

2013年1月27日/Y:1歳3ヶ月/R:3歳7ヶ月 The mom cooked "Lomo Saltado" and "Sopa a la minuta" of the Peruvian home-cooked meal. The mom who forgot to prepare noodles of "Sopa a la minuta" substituted noodles of stocked of "Bun Cha's rice noodles". Rino did not eat very much... Because It used wine vinegar for this cooking, she seemed to be slightly weak in it. We expected that Yuuma might not eat this. However, he ate a lot both. Because he too ate, a mom took the plate to let him take a break. However, he showed a manner to still want to eat. マー君食べるねぇ...^^ 【Mama's Cooking Channel】 http://www.youtube.com/user/nozamama/featured 【Cooking with Rino】 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL140C1CD446DCCB8F 【Facebook】 http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rinozawa/232183876872295?sk=wall 【Rino&Yuuma 2nd Channel】 http://www.youtube.com/user/nozaoto?feature=mhee Music:Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com/m/c/royalty-free/faq.html