Ralo Paperwork Finally Released

BillyAdo hasn’t been around Tekashi69 much lately and recently Ado made a video talking about Alshawn Martin, Shotti and more. Alshawn Martin & Treyway / Shotti reply to BillyAdo / Billy Ado & Billy Goes IN I’m always looking for unsigned artists to listen to and promote, maybe even do a blog on. Follow me on Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/realtalkblogs Instagram https://www.instagram.com/realtalkblogger Song at end of video https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=B3innts2cxv6dmzgbiig63hm2qq&tid=song-Tgmvyfttw4z6f4oh7yvafvrp2aa&hl=en