New Communication Sites in SharePoint: How to build an impactful site in under 10 minutes

In this PnP Web Cast we concentrated on covering how to use Angular in your SharePoint Framework client side web part. We go throught the steps on adding Angular on the SP Fx web part project and build a simple task tracking solution. Actual tasks are not saved to SharePoint on this sample, since we wanted to concentrate on showing the Angular integration part, without additional complexity. We also cover how to use ngOfficeUIFabric to help on making your Angular based client side web part UI consistent with SharePoint. ngOfficeUIFabric is community driven initiative to have Angular 1.x directives for Office UI Fabric components. Notice. When this webcast was released SharePoint Framework was in Developer Preview, which means that the client web parts should not yet use in production at SharePoint Online. Presentation covers following topics: - Steps to include Angular to your solution - Steps to get started on the Angular development with SP Fx Web cast demo shows following details: - Walk-through of the sample todo web part - Steps on creating your SP Fx project for the Angular implementation - Adding Angular and ngOfficeUIFabric dependencies - Creating controller and data service for your Angular app - Using correct Office UI Fabric version in your app - How to change your property pane to be reactive or non-reactive - Broadcasting property pane updates from SP Fx to Angular app Web cast presenters: Waldek Mastykarz, Vesa Juvonen Presentation used in this web cast is available from Source code for used client side web part will be shared during upcoming days at - SharePoint Framework tutorials for Developer Preview - - Open and Connected Framework - The SharePoint Framework - YouTube - - PnP Webcast - Building simple SharePoint Framework Client Web Part - - PnP Webcast - Integrating Angular v1.x to SharePoint Framework client side web part - - PnP Webcast - Getting started with web stack in SharePoint Development - - PnP Webcast - Getting started with SharePoint Framework - - PnP Webcast - Preparing for SharePoint Framework - What should I learn? - - PnP Webcast - Converting existing JavaScript apps to SharePoint Framework - Thanks for your interest on the PnP initiative. If you have any feedback or comments related on this web cast, please use the Office 365 network (SharePoint developer group) to provider your input. Thx for your interest advance.