Top 10 Beautiful Child Stars (Abs-Cbn)

Another testimony from a Medical Practitioner who suffered from Kidney failure and evaded a possible Dialysis session. "I am diabetic for 20 years. I came to Dok Alternatibo Wellness Center (I was referred by my brethren in church) who's also for dialysis; I am for dialysis too. I remembered the time we crossed our path in the hospital on my way to my surgeon for my first scheduled operation. She ones told me not to undergo dialysis because she was also scheduled for a dialysis but never materialized because somebody referred her to this wellness center. She gave me the address of Dok Alternatibo in Cubao and what we did; we shifted our direction, instead of going to my surgeon we go straight to Dok Alternatibo wellness center. I have met Dok Algy Bacla (Doctor of Ministry in Alternative Medicines), I remembered he interviewed me and I told him that I don't have the intention to undergo dialysis I also told him that I am willing to do everything you will recommend me but I really don't want a dialysis session. He replied to me with a smiling face "yes" you are not going for a dialysis and he advised me to submit myself to Dok Alternatibo wellness center under confinement for 1 week." "Once you are a diabetic patient you seemed to take multiple tablets (almost all kinds of synthetic medicines). To my estimate I have 13 kinds of medicines not to mention my insulin support (double insulin). I have reached the point of being hopeless because you see I took medicines every single day and I suspected that it triggers my Kidney destruction although only one of my Kidney has deteriorated I have strong faith in God and I trusted Dok Algy Bacla when he stated that my second Kidney could be saved once I started my wellness treatment inside Dok Alternatibo. He also told me that there is a cure and a big chance of saving my other Kidney, through the application of Natural and Alternative Medicine of Dok Alternatibo such as natural and organic herbs, organic fruits & vegetables." "On the contrary, my doctors in conventional medicine (the opposite of natural way of healing) prohibited me of eating fruits because they are sweets. I was prohibited of taking raw vegetables though those kinds of foods are my delight. I love raw organic lettuce, cucumber, carrots but all of them are prohibited to me. The funny thing is, Dok Alternatibo allows me to eat all those stuff that I like; glory to God. Yes, there are foods they (Dok Alternatibo) serve that are tasteless especially soups tut I endured the tasteless food because I know it is all good for me. They intentionally withdraw sodium in their ingredients because I am also hypertensive. I am a fighter; you know what I'm saying, I can withstand without sodium just to save my remaining functional Kidney. Now I am happy because the pains that I suffered for how many months are now gone." "Usually, my sprains woke me up at dawn. If I can describe it right, it was just like constriction in all of my veins; it was really a pain in the ass. It was comparable to putting the whole weight of a full block of ice against my body that I could hardly raise it (my body). Every time I walk was like stepping into a ply board full of nails that I felt something puncturing my feet, it was really painful. I am grateful that today, those stuffs are gone; I can go home with a happy face. This might be a new life for me, new lifestyle, being a vegetarian and turned out to be sexy." "I am a Medtech by profession that is why I knew how it goes. So, I tried it here. Now, I am about to go home after seven (7) days of confinement. My body pains are gone, my lumbar pain, I never had cramps and I guess I lose a little bit of my weight; this is what I really like the most." "Seriously, there was a need to lose more weight and if I'm going to continue the routine, the program set before me; they say a patient with the "right attitude", I could have a fast recovery meaning a dialysis session is no longer needed. That is my ultimate wish this Christmas -- an absolute healing of Kidney disease." "I am Corina Buenavista, 62 years old, from project 4, Quezon City, Philippines"