
勤行頌 --------- 音樂版權:慈濟傳播人文志業基金會 Music Copyright: Tzu Chi Culture & Communication Foundation 影片製作者 / Video compiled by:Tom Sung 注意:除了觀看影片之外,若沒有此視頻擁有者同意,請勿擅自使用影片內容(包括重新上傳)。 感謝您的合作與配合。 WARNING: Without permission of channel owner, this video may not be reproduced in any way, including re-uploading. Thank you for your cooperation. ---------- 歌詞 / Lyrics: 恭錄:證嚴上人開示 作曲:陳歆翰、高大偉 編曲:姬禹丞、高大偉 演唱:殷正洋、唐美雲、姬禹丞 靜思法脈勤行道 The Jing Si Dharma Lineage is a path of diligent practice 傳承法髓弘誓願 We carry out the Dharma’s essence and make great vows 慈濟宗門人間路 The Tzu Chi School of Buddhism is a path through the world 悲智雙運無量心 With compassion and wisdom, we exercise the Four Infinite Minds 誠心誓願度眾生 With sincerity, we vow to deliver all sentient beings 正心誓願斷煩惱 With integrity, we vow to eliminate all afflictions 信心誓願學法門 With faith, we vow to learn all teachings 實心誓願成佛道 With steadfastness, we vow to attain Buddhahood 大慈無悔愛無量 Great loving-kindness without regrets brings infinite love 大悲無怨願無量 Great compassion without resentment brings infinite vows 大喜無憂樂無量 Great joy without worries brings infinite happiness 大捨無求恩無量 Great equanimity without expectations brings infinite gratitude 立體琉璃同心圓 We work together while remaining clear and pure like a crystal sphere 菩提林立同根生 This forest of Bodhi trees flourishes from the same root 隊組合心耕福田 All volunteers are united in cultivating fields of blessings 慧根深植菩薩道 We deeply plant the roots of wisdom on the Bodhisattva path dation