26 個英文字母 A-Z 正確發音 (ABC 自然發音口訣影片)

政府的入籍官网:https://www.uscis.gov/ 视频里面的文字将载于下面。体验不同人讲英语的口音,让您轻松听懂不同移民考官的测试。本视频引用两位不同国度的女生读取新版100道的全部内容,让您受益匪浅!为了更加方便您的复习,下面是视频里面的文字内容: 《入籍考试100题听力训练》 体验不同口音英语 以适应不同考官的问话: 视频制作:婉秋韵 2016年9月18日于纽约 1. What is the supreme law of the land? 美国的最高法律是什么? 答: The Constitution 宪法 2. What does the Constitution do? 宪法的作用是什么? 答: Sets up the government 建立政府体制 (也可以回答:Defines the government 定义政府或者回答:或者回答:Protects basic rights of Americans 保护美国人的基本权利) 3.The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words? 宪法的前三个字说明自治的概念, 这三个字是什么? 回答: We the People 我们人民 4. What is an amendment? 什么是修正案? 回答:A change (to the Constitution)宪法的更正 {也可答:An addition (to the Constitution) (宪法的)补充} 5. What do we call the first ten amendments to the constitution? 宪法的前十项修正案称为什么? 答: The Bill of Rights 权利法案 6:What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment? 列举宪法第一条修正案中的一项权利或自由 答:Speech 言论自由 {也可答:Religion 宗教自由; Assembly 集会结社的自由;Press 出版自由; Petition the government 向政府请愿的自由} 7. How many amendments does the Constitution have? 宪法有几条修正案? 答:Twenty-seven (27) 二十七条 8. What did the Declaration of Independence do?《独立宣言》的作用是什么? 答:Declared our independence (from Great Britain) 宣告美国 (脱离英国而)而独立 也可答: Announced our independence (from Great Britain) 宣布美国(脱离英国而)独立; Said that the United States is free (from Great Britain) 表示美国(脱离英国而)独立 9. What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence? 列举《独立宣言》中的两项权利? 答: Life 生命(的权利) 答: Liberty 自由(的权利) {也可答:Pursuit of happiness追求幸福(的权利)} 10.What is freedom of religion? 什么是宗教自由? 答:You can practice any religion or not. 你可以信仰任何宗教, 也可以不信仰任何宗教 11. What is the economic system in the United States? 美国的经济制度是什么? 答: Market economy 市场经济(也可答:Capitalist economy 资 本主义经济) 12. What is the"rule of law"? "法治"是什么? 答: Government must obey the law. 政府必须遵守法律(也可答:Everyone must follow the law 人人都应遵守法律; Leaders must obey the law 领导人必须遵守法律; No one is above the law没有任何人在法律之上。) 13.Name one branch or part of the government. 列举政府体制的一个分支或部门 答: Congress 国会 也可答: Legislative 立法部门; President 总统; Executive 行政部门; The courts 法院;Judicial 司法部门。 14. What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful? 什么防止一个政府分支变得过于强大? 答:Checks and balances 制衡 也可答: Separation of powers 权力分立 15. Who is in charge of the executive branch? 谁负责行政部门? 答:The President 总统 16. Who makes federal laws? 谁制定联邦法律? 答:Congress 国会 也可答:Senate and House (of Representatives) 参议院和众议院 或答: (U.S. or national) legislature (美国或国家)立法部门 17. What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress? 美国国会由哪两个部分组成? 答: The Senate and House (of Representatives) 参议院与众议院 18. How many U.S. Senators are there? 美国参议员有几位? 答:One hundred (100) 一百(100) 位 19. We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years? 我们选出的美国参议员任职多少年? 答: Six (6) 六年 20. Who is one of your state's U.S. Senators? 您所在州的现任一位美国参议员的名字是什么? 答:纽约州是 查理斯.库默 Charles Cuomo 21.The House of Representatives has how many voting members? 众议院中有投票权的众议员有几位? 答:Four hundred thirty-five (435) 四百三十五(435) 位 22.We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years? 我们选出的美国众议员任职多少年? 答: Two (2) 两年 23. Name your U.S. Representative. 列举您所在选区的美国众议员的名字? 答:每个区不同,请根据不同查找。 [Residents of territories with nonvoting Delegates or Resldent Commissioners may provide the name of that Delegate or CommIssIoner. Also acceptable is any statement that the territory has no (voting) Representatives in Congress.] 住在没有投票权的美国领地的当地代表或专员之应试者,可以说明当地代表或专员的姓名,说明自己选区没有国会(投票)代表,也是可以接受的答案。 24. Who does a U.S. Senator represent? 美国参议员代表何人? 答:All people of the state 其所在州的所有人民。 25.Why do some states have more Representatives than other states? 为什么有些州的众议员人数比其他州多? 答:(because) some states have more people (由于)该州的人口比其他州多 也可答:(because of) the state's population(由于)该州的人口; (because)they have more people(由于)该州有更多人口。 26. We elect a President for how many years? 我们选出的总统任职多少年? 答: Four (4) 四 年 27. In what month do we vote for President? 我们在哪一个月份选总统? 答:November 十一月 28.What is the name of the President of the United States now? 现任美国总统的名字是什么? 答: Barack Obama 巴瑞克.欧巴马 29. What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now? 现任美国副总统的名字是什么? 答: Joe Biden 裘.拜登 30. If the President can no longer serve, who becomes President? 如果总统不能视事,则由谁成为总统? 答:the Vice President 副总统(余下内容将在“评论”栏)