Musiana Talk | ‘Ei korecho bhalo nithuro hey’ - A Notation Interpretation | Srikanto Acharya

Presenting our Talk Series with " Srikanto Acharya "Srikanto Acharya interprets the notation of ‘Ei korecho bhalo nithuro hey' (Rabindrasangeet) Musiana | moments for the soul shares music teachings, talks, performances and conversations of music performers and practitioners of our times, all creating moments for our souls in 16-20 minutes. We post a fresh musiana moment every week and you're welcome to link to or embed these videos, forward them to others and share these music moments with people you know. ➙ Subscribe our channel and stay updated : ➙ To join the conversation, comment here or join our online community at : ➙ Any questions? Email us at : Copyright 2015 © Musiana All rights reserved.