2016.06.01SS小燕之夜完整版 我們都是好麻吉!

杰倫:雖然我對於這個愛情是很低調的,因為不想要外界打擾,可是到了結婚大家就會知道,大家不用去猜測,外婆覺得我對象很多,我覺得這個要想清楚,因為有一個很好的例子,我是單親家庭,所以我覺得定了就不能離婚!男人就是要負責任的. Jay Chou: Although I'm low key with love,Because I don't want to have trouble with outside. But when I wedding,everyone will know, and U don't need to guess. Grandma thinks that maybe I have too much targets, but I think I need to have a clear plan. Because there's an existing example: I'm a single parent family, So i think if u are surely, u shouldn't devorce!!! Man must responsible for girls!!!!!!!