日本刀鍛錬 katana making(1)

http://www.youtube.com/user/guobaodangan【国宝档案】官方频道 持续更新中 北京故宫博物院收藏的少虡剑,铭文中不但记载了剑的名字,同时还对剑的材质有着明确的记录:玄镠铺吕。"玄镠"和"铺吕"分别指的是金属材料锡与铜,因此,少虡剑的质地为铜锡合金。 《国宝档案》栏目(CCTV-4亚洲)创办于2004年10月4日,是央视第一次以电视栏目的形式,为国宝级文物重器进行揭秘建档。《国宝档案》(亚洲版)每周一至周六晚18:45首播,节目形态以主持人演播室实物举证、故事讲述为主,穿插器物展示、情景再现、专家点评,讲述巍巍中华灿烂文明,成为中文国际频道集权威性、故事性、观赏性为主的特色栏目,让遥不可及的国之瑰宝不再陌生。Collection of the Imperial Palace Museum in Beijing less Ju Jian, inscriptions not only records the sword's name, but also the material on the sword has a clear record: Xuan Liu Pu lu. "Xuan Liu" and "Pu Lu" refers to the metal material of tin and copper, therefore, less Ju sword texture is an alloy of copper and tin.DAVID Files "(CCTV-4) was founded on October 4, 2004, is the first time CCTV TV column in the form of national treasures re Secret filing. Program form to host the studio kind of proof, the story is about the main, interspersed artifacts show a "national treasure file (Asia Edition) premiere every Monday to Saturday night 18:45, scene reconstruction, expert reviews, about the splendid civilization of towering Chinese set authoritative narrative, ornamental characteristics of the main part of the Chinese International Channel, National Treasure no longer strange distant.