
三色蛋 Three-Color Eggs 材料:4顆生的鹹鴨蛋、4顆皮蛋、8顆雞蛋 Ingredients: 4 salted uncooked duck eggs, 4 preserved thousand-year old eggs, 8 chicken eggs. 1.皮蛋用滾水煮五分鐘煮熟,取出泡冷水冷卻,再把皮蛋殼剝開,切成小塊 2.8顆蛋白與4顆蛋黃打入調理盆中,打散拌勻,再倒入約2顆鹹蛋蛋白攪拌,加入一茶匙糖、兩大匙酒、100CC水,攪拌均勻,再加入4顆鹹蛋黃、皮蛋拌勻即可。 3.準備容器在容器上鋪上一層PE保鮮膜,把蛋液倒入容器中,表面會有泡沫用湯匙撈起,放入電鍋中蒸蒸30分鐘,蓋上鍋蓋時放上兩根牙籤抵住讓鍋蓋有些許空隙 4.30分鐘之後把鍋蓋打開,把4顆蛋黃加入少許鹽、少許糖、10CC酒、10cc水,攪拌均勻後淋到容器上,再蒸20分鐘,隨後可倒出等放涼後再切,就完成好看又好吃的三色蛋。 1. Boil the thousand-year old eggs in boiling water for 5 minutes. Remove the foam with cold water and let cool. Peel the shells and cut into small pieces. 2. Scramble the 8 egg whites and 4 egg yolks together in a bowl and beat well, then put in the egg whites from about 2 of the salted duck eggs and whisk together. Add in a teaspoonful of sugar, two tablespoons of wine, 100CC of water, stir well then add the 4 preserved thousand-year old egg pieces into the scrambled eggs and mix well. 3. Prepare a steam container. Line the container with a layer of PE plastic wrap and pour in the scrambled egg mixture. Scoop off any surface foam with a spoon and place the container into an electric steaming pot and steam it for 30 minutes. Put two toothpicks under the lid to form a small gap. 4. Open the lid after 30 minutes and take the remaining 4 egg yolks, add a little salt, a little sugar, 10CC of wine, and 10CC of water. Stir and pour onto the container and steam for 20 minutes using two toothpicks under the lid for a gap, then let it cool so it can be turned out and cut. This completes the making of lovely and delicious three-color eggs.