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Top 10 Scariest Horror Movie Animals Subscribe Move over psychopaths, serial killers and aliens. Today we're taking a loving look back at the most memorable horror films to star animals. While none of the following attempt to go beyond providing cheap shocks and terrifying special effects; they all succeed in providing tons of scares, laughs and entertainment. List Entries and Rank: #10. The Mosquitoes from “Mosquito” (1995) #9. The Crocodile from “Lake Placid” (1999) #8. The Sheep from “Black Sheep” (2007) #7. The Snake from “Anaconda” (1997) #6. The Ants from “Them!” (1954) #5. The Piranhas from “Piranha” (1978) #4. The Spiders from “Arachnophobia” (1990) #3. ??