Sweeet Texas ammonite!

Thanks for watching our crystal mining adventures. Check out the "sprite/fairy" some people say we released while digging this vein. Didn't notice it for a couple years until someone pointed it out in the video. Here it is slowed down... https://www.instagram.com/p/BAOYaocCJ3y/?taken-by=thecrystalcollector Watch as host Bryan Major digs quartz crystals in Georgia! These are dug direct from the vein they originated in. These are said to be some of the largest ever found in Georgia. Discovered by Jason Barrett in 2008, the crystals have become well known due to the size, the odd location near Atlanta, the rare alpine type vein they came from, and the super unique sparkle they had in the sun from the thousands of "sprouting" growth form baby crystals.. The mine in the video only has a limited supply left. The pure white quartz crystals coupled with the unique and odd growth forms, became a big hit up in Asheville, N.C. The metaphysical crowd and crystal healers have all loved the powers the Gwinnett quartz has locked away. Check out these two places to buy rocks and crystals. Thanks for helping support the cause. http://stores.ebay.com/ULTRA-ROCKS http://www.ebay.com/usr/okjunk Episode 3 at Diamond Hill Mine in South Carolina. http://youtu.be/JjJFhrlxnyo Best amethyst mining clip in Virginia: https://youtu.be/IkeeyrqZ2R0