Growing Potatoes to Feed the Soil

"Growing and Cooking your own food is like printing your own money.”  Ron  Finley  We provide knowledge, tools and tips to help you and your family to have fun, easy, successful gardens, making it affordable for every family to eat delicious and healthier foods. On December 27, 2014, Nancy was diagnosed with colon cancer and having been blessed to be healed, we felt called to encourage and inspire families to get healthier throughout the world. We feel privilege and honored, to be called upon to empower, teach and inspire you and your family to create your own homestead (even in the city).  Our channel is focus on successful gardening, which is to produce healthier abundant harvest, healthy cooking and homesteading.  We  incorporate the most important part of organic gardening, to make the harvest healthier, by (using Non-GMO seeds and plants, and being careful to avoid pesticides and herbicides).  We also use modern products and tools to make gardening  fun, easy, affordable, convenient,  abundant, and quick.  Hollis loves and enjoys, gardening since he was 8 years old. He inherited the love of gardening from his granddad,  who had a 300 acre farm in Georgia and in the past own a large successful landscaping business for over 7 years.   Since being a child, Nancy has always love to cook and create foods to make her family happy. In the past, Nancy has managed and cooked in a Oriental restaurant, in which her mother own, and also worked in the past as a cook in a Italian restaurant. Now, Nancy love to create foods, from the garden to the table, that makes everyone happy and healthier families through the world. Realizing, every day is a gift from God, we are seeking to live a more simplistic life but most importantly to appreciate and enjoy life each day. Subscribe to YouTube Channel: Hollis and Nancy’s Homestead Facebook: get the latest updates, alerts, tips and trick! Accept our invitation, come check out our channel, if you like what you see, subscribe (to get the latest episodes) and Like to inspire and encourage us.  Become a part of our  Homestead family.  Also like our Facebook page to get the latest updates, alerts, tips and tricks, but most importantly share in our mission to encourage and inspire families to get healthier throughout the world.  Share our videos with your friends and family to encourage their family to become healthier.  We are dedicated to helping others. We love gardening, urban homesteading and enjoy cooking delicious homemade foods. We also enjoy fishing for fun and as source of meat.  Our goal in the near future is to move to rural homestead to produce as much of our own food as possible (raising chicken for eggs and meat, rabbits, orchards, ect..).    Come and join us on this awesome adventure to return to simple way of living on our homestead and to our New Normal.  We welcome your comments and questions.  Have a Blessed Day!