Make Your Own 15.6" Full HD Screen for 32 bucks for use with Raspberry Pi, DSLR, Video camera

Alex shows you how to make your own 15.6" Full HD screen for about $32. Use with Raspberry Pi, DSLR, Video camera or any other computer. We're repurposing a screen from a dead laptop. Some people say "That's not full HD - it says 1280x800!" Well actually it IS a 1920 x 1080 LCD. At 4:48 you can see it's an LP156WF1. If you google the specs you'll see it's a 15.6" WLED full HD screen (which was one of the reasons I bought that laptop in the first place). Here's a place that sells them (although they're out of stock)... So, then, why does it say 1280 x 800 on the video? It's simple. Even though this driver board is capable of running the screen at 1080p, I usually set up my Raspberry Pis to force that mode because it enlarges the text and icons on the screen. You can do this by putting... # settings good for native 1280 x 800 hdmi_ignore_edid=0xa5000080 hdmi_group=2 # HDMIPi for 1280 x 800 hdmi_drive=2 # for alternative modes get sound hdmi_mode=28 # 1280 x 800 @ 60 Hz ...into the config.txt