"Be Here Now" -- The Andy Whitfield Story Feature Documentary Kickstart Video, by Lilibet Foster

We are really excited to report that we are almost finished editing the film. Thank you for your amazing support that has helped us get this far. As we are sure you understand from all of our updates, we have been working hard and non-stop, which is our labor of love and is constantly rewarding in so many ways--especially because of you. Filmmaking takes time because of all the steps involved. We thank you for your constant encouragement during the process. Please sign up for our mailing list on www.beherenowfilm.com, check here, FB, Twitter--so that you may receive our ongoing updates. You will be the first to know about its release. "Be Here Now" is an inspiring documentary and love story, about Andy Whitfield who put the same dedication he brought to his starring role in SPARTACUS, into fighting life threatening cancer. The money we raise through our Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/426354716/be-here-now-the-andy-whitfield-story) will fund the additional filming and editing needed to finish the film. For your contributions, you will not only be rewarded with amazing, limited edition and collector's item gifts -- but you will be helping to make Andy's wish -- to help or inspire others -- come true, because we plan to distribute the completed film as widely as possible internationally. Thank you also for sharing this link, "Like"-ing us on FB, Twittering, and emailing it to your friends, family, supporters, co-workers, fellow fans and anyone else.