
更多精彩《鲁豫有约》精彩往期视频,欢迎点阅:http://www.youtube.com/user/luyuyouyue 一段段窝心的真情,三千六百秒赤诚对话,千万次殷切回响,打造《鲁豫有约:说出你的故事》。鲁豫觉得采访别人是一件快乐的事情。因为最大的益处是获得心态上的平和。她最深的感触是这个世界上没有过不去的坎,没有什么事可以吓倒谁或难倒谁。而女人也正是因为这些坚强而显得更美丽。 A section gratifying truth, three thousand six hundred seconds sincere dialogue, strong echoes million times, to create "luyu: tell your story." Lu Yu felt interviewing people is a happy thing. Because the maximum benefit is to get peace of mind on. Her deepest feelings in this world is not difficult for the Hom, nothing can frighten anyone who is or stumped. And it is precisely because of these women appear to be more strong and beautiful.