GG Bond 猪猪侠番外之环球日记EP18《孔雀王国》

童话星球出现了新流行,童话星人手一颗蛋,有的人身边还跟着一只肥鸟。猪猪侠来到学校还发现同学们老师都请假了,原因是在家孵蛋!猪猪侠空闲之余只好前往迷糊老师店,路上还遇到同样前往迷糊老师店送货的小呆呆,两人一路走来看见路人们为了蛋打架争吵,两人上前劝架,得知这些限量蛋是两个绅士打扮的人送到他们手上的,据说唯有身份高贵品行优良的人才能得到。 Everyone gets an egg and some of them even keep fat birds along with them, which is the new popular phenomenon appears on the Fairy-Tale Planet. GG Bond comes to the school and finds that his teachers and classmates have asked for leave for incubating eggs at home! GG Bond has to go to Dr. Mihoo’s shop in his spare time. On the way, he encounters SDaddy delivering goods to Dr. Mihoo’s shop. They see passersby fighting for eggs, so they try to stop them and realize that those eggs are from two gentlemen. It is said only those noble and kind men can get it.