【SNOW MONKEY】 ニホンザル / 地獄谷野猿公苑 ☆Tokkuri 00☆ From the mountain to the park

* I continue to record the life of the female monkey named "Tokkuri 00" and her family. "Tokkuri 00" Please remember her name. She is 1st ranker of female in this troop. Please watch the footage link below. You can know everything of life of "Great female snow monkey and her families". This is the entrance of a magnificent documentary. 【SNOW MONKEY】☆Great Mother's Story☆ About "Tokkuri 00" https://youtu.be/7_pE3-VqNjA Monkeys act actively in the mountains from early morning. 1:00 I met the Tokkuri family in the mountains. And then for the first time I saw Tokkuri 00-12 holding her baby. In the very quiet mountain of the morning... It was a very fantastic scene. 1:43 Mother and daughter look very similar :)) 2:20 It seems that a quarrel has occurred nearby. Daughter went to cheer for that fight earlier than mother. In this way, her daughter Tokkuri 00-12 seems to strengthen its presence in the troop. 3:31 They came down from the mountain to the river. But still the wild monkey park is far. They slowly walk towards the park. 3:53 They came up to the road leading to the parking for tourists. No worries. The car does not pass yet as it is early morning. I am alone. Employees have not come yet. I enjoy walking with them for a while. 5:05 I met Tokkuri 00 again. 5:50 Her baby is not good at grabbing on her mother 's chest. They will take a break for a long time at this parking square. Yes, until the staff of the monkey park came to call them. 7:01 Tokkuri 00 and her daughter Tokkuei 00-12 are eating breakfast. Tokkuri 00 began to move. Tokkuri 00-12 must also follow. But she seems to like to eat grass yet. She is eating in a hurry :) 7:48 Also a little white baby with hair was born again this year. White and brown are mixed. So lovely :) 8:50 Tokkuri 92 and Torami (Togura 93). Also in the morning the two older women came down from the mountain together. Were they sleeping together last night? They both have beautiful fur. That means their health is good. I hope that you will live long with good friends forever... 10:03 I succeeded in shooting a very rare scene. This is Tokkuri 00 's cry. The superior monkeys, including her, rarely cry. It is only groaning voice when fighting. It seems she is annoyed with her baby because baby doesn’t get caught in her chest properly. 12:05 Because Alpha male Togura 95 has left the troop, it is Tomamu 95 which is promoted to a new alpha male and Tokkuri 00 following him. * 私は「トックリ00」という名前のメス猿と彼女の家族の生活を年間通して記録し続けています。 その記録は日本語専用の別チャンネルに保存してあります。 この動画のシーン毎の解説や、撮影時の私の心情などを詳細に書き記してあります。 トックリファミリーの長年の映像記録、永久保存版チャンネルです。 地獄谷の猿の群れ、上位の猿たちの生きざまなどが詳しくわかると思います。 ぜひご覧ください。 【ニホンザル】☆或る家族の物語☆ 第3章 第6話 朝、山から公苑へ https://youtu.be/i0H7CyhtZBA 質問などございましたら、こちらのメインチャンネルでお聞きします。