【吉隆坡 馬來西亞】海南式不流汗行程~當地小吃真得欲罷不能【愛玩客之移動的廚房】#251

高王觀世音真經(完整版) - 7遍 高王觀世音真經 觀世音菩薩 南無佛 南無法 南無僧 佛國有緣 佛法相因 常樂我凈 有緣佛法 南無摩訶般若波羅蜜是大神咒 南無摩訶般若波羅蜜是大明咒 南無摩訶般若波羅蜜是無上咒 南無摩訶般若波羅蜜是無等等咒 南無淨光秘密佛 法藏佛 獅子吼神足幽王佛 佛告須彌燈王佛 法護佛 金剛藏獅子遊戲佛 寶勝佛 神通佛 藥師琉璃光王佛 普光功德山王佛 善住功德寶王佛 過去七佛 未來賢劫千佛 千五百佛 萬五千佛 五百花勝佛 百億金剛藏佛 定光佛 六方六佛名號: 東方寶光月殿月妙尊音王佛 南方樹根花王佛 西方皂王神通燄花王佛 北方月殿清淨佛 上方無數精進寶首佛 下方善寂月音王佛 無量諸佛 多寶佛 釋迦摩尼佛 彌勒佛 阿閦佛 彌陀佛 中央一切眾生 在佛世界中者 行住於地上 及在虛空中 慈憂於一切眾生 各令安穩休息 晝夜修持 心常求誦此經 能滅生死苦 消除諸毒害 南無大明觀世音 觀明觀世音 高明觀世音 開明觀世音 藥王菩薩 藥上菩薩 文殊師利菩薩 普賢菩薩 虛空藏菩薩 地藏王菩薩 清涼寶山億萬菩薩 普光王如來化勝菩薩 念念誦此經 七佛世尊 即說咒曰: *“離婆離婆帝 求訶求訶帝 陀羅尼帝 尼訶囉帝 毘離尼帝 摩訶迦帝 真陵乾帝 梭哈” (重複*七遍) The High King Avalokitesvara Sutra Homage to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva! Namo Buddhaya, Namo Dharmaya, Namo Sanghaya. An affinity with the Pure Lands opens the Dharma Doors. By engaging permanence, bliss, identity and purity, one is blessed with the Dharma. Namo Maha Prajna Paramita, a great spiritual mantra. Namo Maha Prajna Paramita, a great wisdom mantra. Namo Maha Prajna Paramita, s supreme mantra. Namo Maha Prajna Paramita, an unequaled mantra. Namo Pure Light Secret Buddha, the Dharma Treasury Buddha, the Tranquil King Buddha with Lion's roar and divine speed, the Sumeru Light King Buddha announced by Buddha, the Dharma Protector Buddha, the Vajra Treasury Roaming Lion Buddha, the Precious Victory Buddha, the Supernatural Power Buddha, the Medicine Crystal Light King Buddha, the Universal Light Merit Mountain King Buddha, the Merit Retaining Jewel King Buddha, the Seven Buddhas of the Past, the Future Thousand Buddhas of this fortunate eon, the Fifteen Hundred Buddhas, the Fifteen Thousand Buddhas, the Five Hundred Flower Victory Buddhas, the Hundred Billion Vajra Treasury Buddhas, the Fixed Light Buddha. The Buddhas of Six Directions: To the East the Precious Light Moon Palace Venerable Wonderful Voice King Buddha, To the South the Tree-Root Flower King Buddha, To the West the Spiritual Power Flower Blazing King Buddha, To the North the Moon Palace Purity Buddha, Above, the countless Vigor Jewel Crown Buddha, Below, the Tranquil Moon Sound King Buddha. All the countless Buddhas, Many Jewels Buddhas, Shakyamuni Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, Akshobhya Buddha, Amitabha Buddha. All beings in the Central Realm, and those in the Pure Lands, while moving upon the Earth and through the Heavens, shower limitless compassion upon all living beings, affording them equanimity and peace, that they might cultivate day and night. By constantly invoking this sutra, one is liberated from suffering of birth and death, and freed from the many kinds of suffering. Namo the great wisdom Avalokitesvara, the observant Avalokitesvara, the noble Avalokitesvara, the expansively-minded Avalokitesvara, the Medicine King Bodhisattva, the Supreme Medicine Bodhisattva, Manjusri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Akasagarbha Bodhisattva, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the billions of Clear Cool Treasure Mountain Bodhisattvas, the Universal Light Venerable King Tathagata Bodhisattva. Chanting this sutra continually, the Seven World-Honored Buddhas recite this mantra: *li por li por ti qiu her qiu her ti tuo law ni ti ni her la ti pi li ni ti mo her qie ti chen ling qie ti sow por her* (repeat *mantra 7 times)