Brown Bear Motors Septa 120 Radial Engine

Made in ST. Petersburg,Russia in the 1990, a lovely miniature version of the great Mills P 0.75.I make a small mistake at the begin of the title,its indeed not a 0.20,but a0.25cc!! Another engine my friend Jose send me to be repaired,as it is not starting. As seen in the clip,it was pretty much work.I only dont show fixing the striped T screw thread.For this,I make just a steel thread insert. I was surprised to find so errors like the transfer not opening compleet and a almost blocked ventury by the thick point of the needle. Usually the VA engine range is very good. I have 2 x mini 0.6 cu Doolings,glow and diesel,a ED Miniracer, and a ED Bee, but there are much more types made...see the link under.Each of them real gems! About the lovely VA engine range you find some stuff here.. Many thanks for watching! I hope you like it.. More stuff will come...please stay tuned! ;-)