CSM Kabuto Zecter Demo - Kamen Rider Kabuto

This is a demonstration video of the Basshaa Magnum from Kamen Rider Kiva. I do include a few extra bonus stuff such as the DX Kivat Belt and Tatsulot. This video shows all the functions of the Basshaa Magnum (which is only on real thing lol), it's functionality with the Kivat Belt and Tatsulot. Special thanks to Rider Proxy ------------------------------------------ RRR: http://www.ridersrangersandrambles.com Facebook http://tiny.cc/gy76k Twitter http://twitter.com/zeronxepher Tumblr! http://zeronxepher.tumblr.com/ Personal Blog: http://zeronxepher.blogspot.com/ Deviant Art: http://zeronxepher.deviantart.com/ Need help getting a toy? Ask Rider Proxy! http://forums.henshinjustice.com/showthread.php?t=49712