
【焼きのりさんの後日談のコーナー(仮)】 ゆんちゃんと竹下通りで1万円企画をしたよ。WEGOに行ったりエチュードハウス行ったり、、、これ以上書いたらあゝネタバレが激しいんじゃ。 ゆんちゃんたのしかったなぁ。 焼きのり ゆんちゃん https://youtu.be/7CBEcumzK7c https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWvHd19P7d1hy0Qx5O-P2Dg 2すとりーとさん https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKMPD3bU5jx_2zqtLqCuOdQ 焼きのり Twitter https://twitter.com/sugales_noah Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sugar_79/ 【English】 Hey guys : ) My name is Noah sato (and YAKINORI) welcome to the happiest channel on YT! I’m a Japanese singer and model that enjoys life how it is. My team and I always try to make funny and fun video to share with all of you. So come and follow me on my creative adventure↓ twitter ▽https://twitter.com/sugales_noah instagram ▽https://www.instagram.com/sugar_79/ Check out more videos of Noah Sato too. Your candid comments and advices will be highly appreciated and reflected on our further enrichment. I’m looking forward to seeing all of you and your kindly comment ; ) THANK YOU!!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------