남자친구 앞에서 당당하게 덕질을 한다면?

Hello Everyone! This video is about me and my bf Henry trying the LuoSiFen, a special noodle from China. This is our first time trying the noodle. It's SUPER SUPER SPICY!!! NOT KIDDING!!! If you are going to try this noodle, don't put all the chili oil inside. I AM SERIOUS!!! DON'T DO IT!!! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this video~~~ XOXO~~~ 大家好!这次视频是我和我男朋友Henry一起试吃螺蛳粉! 我们都是第一次试吃! 真的是辣爆了!!! 认真的,一定,千万,不要放整包辣油!!! 一点点就够了真的!!!!太辣了!!! 吃完我就肠粘膜损伤了不是开玩笑!!! 但是还是希望大家能Enjoy这个视频啦~~~~ 耐你们~~~~