
5年前,設計師谷騰買下了珠江邊一套270㎡的大平層,房子三面環江,視野極佳,晚上在家就能看到廣州的夜景。房子的裝修設計和家俱的設計基本都是谷騰自己完成的,因為喜歡看江景,所以他特意訂製了一塊兒9公尺×2公尺的玻璃,價值60萬。 5 years ago, designer Gu Teng bought a 270-m2 house beside the Pearl River. With a river view on 3 sides, the house offers a wonderful vision and Guangzhou’s beautiful evening scene. Gu finished nearly all the house decoration and furniture designing by himself. In order to enjoy the river view to the full, he especially ordered a glass of 9mX2m with a cost at ¥600,000.