Gundam UC 自護殘黨機體 HD

***************************** UPDATE: NEW, FINAL VERSION IS HERE: ***************************** Not my video, just another re-upload. Bandai keeps sending DMCA take down notices on YouTube because their American-side of the company is filled with apparent jerks. So let me get this straight, Bandai. You refuse to localize 90% of the Gundam content into English, including most of the video games, and then you send DMCA takedowns to people hosting fan compilation videos on YouTube? Worst yet, you leave the same videos online on Japanese sites. Gundam would be successful in America with the proper marketing. It is a shame Bandai doesn't see it this way. I did not create this video. I wasn't the original uploader, nor am I the second person who uploaded this video. Bandai, you don't support your English fans at all. Shame on you. Take it from me, Bandai. Make a fully English Ghirens Greed game, throw some ACTUAL money behind the US marketing, and I think you would be surprised. Source: 【MAD】機動戦士ガンダムUC 組織別 MS/MA紹介 ver.Episode1~6【UC】 h**p://