뉴스타파 - 여간첩 원정화, 조작의 증거들

Beneath the Surface: the investigation into the sinking of the Cheonan 충격파, CCTV, 연어급 잠수정, 1번 어뢰, 해안 초병의 증언... 9월 13일 천안함 민군합동조사단의 발표에도 불구하고 숱한 의문들이 해소되지 않은 채 남아 있다. 취재진은 그간 알려지지 않은 의문들을 심층 취재 했다. A documentary about unknown story behind the mysterious sinking of the warship. On March 26, 2010, the South Korean Navy's patrol combat corvette Cheonan sank, and with it took the lives of 46 of the 104 sailors aboard. Journalists have worked to uncover the facts behind what happened, and this documentary is a gathering of our investigation findings to date. Our findings uncovered significant flaws in the Civilian-Military Joint Investigation Group's report, and suggest that the next necessary step is a reinvestigation.