#50: 壽喜燒(關東風) | すき焼き(関東風) | Sukiyaki(Kanto Style)

晚上突然肚子餓.. 或想要感受日式居酒屋的氣氛 This may be the dish you want to try! 烏龍麵不只跟湯汁吃,炒起來也很棒! 香香雞肉&QQ麵條超級OEC~!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و 居酒屋風雞肉炒烏龍麵/居酒屋風鶏肉焼うどん 第6季-第7集 「 1人份 」 讚岐烏龍麵 Frozen udon-1片 雞肉 Chicken thigh–1/2片 洋蔥 Onion–1/4個 乾燥香菇 Dried shitake mushrooms–2片 蔥 Green onion–1支 香菇水 Shiitake water–50cc 清酒 Sake-2大匙 味淋 Mirin–1大匙 醬油 Soy sauce–1大匙 柴魚片 Katsuo bushi—2g 鹽巴 & 黑胡椒 Salt & Black pepper—適量 ------------------------------------------------------------------- *MASAのYoutube頻道(高畫質):🍅http://www.youtube.com/masaabc1 *MASA Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/masa.abc *MASA 食譜網站:https://www.masa.tw*食譜書:📘www.masa.tw/masas-book *料理教室:https://the4fcookinghome.squarespace.com/masa-y2 *料理教室:https://the4fcookinghome.squarespace.com/happiness-in-tiffin-box *鍋子:BEKA Titan 單柄附蓋平煎鍋 24cm *刀子:VICTORINOX 瑞士維氏*砧板:W2 WOOD X WORK *BGM:甘茶の音楽工房 *BGM:PremiumBeat-Studio Le Bus *BGM:PremiumBeat-Joe Sacco