[free audio] I should hate you

[ goodbye; ] HD - no you can't use my audio, find it yourself. This is the final of the three goodbye videos. I was going to upload this tomorrow, since i'm leaving thursday, but I might be really busy packing and stuff tomorrow so I decided to upload this today. I said goodbye to bridges, zanella, and now all of you. Now this goodbye isn't set in stone, so it may be more of a thank you then anything. I thought this quote was the most brilliant way to explain everything. But I don't know how much I will uploading after this point. It may be frequent videos, it may be almost none at all. I wont be gone forever, of course. I just don't know if the uploads will be what you guys want for a while. I'm going to try my best but college might be really busy and I'm not sure how much riding I will be doing that will be filmed. I'm trying out for the equestrian team on Sunday and I'm beyond nervous and excited; so I may be riding in college! But the chance that i'm going to be filmed might be very slim so I will just have to wait and see. But more then anything, this is a thank you. Youtube has been a community that I didn't expect to find myself in, and now I have over 8,500+ subscribers and that's just insane. You guys have always been really supportive and I've always really appreciated all of your comments, likes, and subscriptions. You've all followed my life since I was just a kid, and it's crazy to look back at how much my life was shared with youtube, but I wouldn't do it any other way. When people comment things like me being their inspiration and a rider they look up to is such an honor, and I really hope that I continue to do so as much as I can. But more then anything you made me not feel alone. When I was starting high school I wasn't really a party of any group and I was accepted so completely into this group I couldn't believe it. The youtube community has had its problems, but most of you were so accepting it didn't matter. When Ovation passed away you were all there supporting me and my journey. I never thought I'd be connected to so many strangers in such a big way, and it really truly means a lot to me. So thank you. I have dreams, goals. I want to work in the Equestrian Industry, and I'm headed straight towards it. I'm majoring in Equestrian Studies and eventually do plan on trying to make my own business. I want to share this journey with everyone as much as I can. People have so many doubts about working with horses for their entire life, and I'm not going to lie; so do I. I don't know if it's going to work, but I'm going to try my hardest to do whatever I can to succeed. Because I love this kind of life, and just because I might not have the finances that others do, I have passion, determination, and hard work. I could either burn and fail, or succeed. And I hope to share my journey with you guys as much as I can. Anyways, sorry for the long description. I'm going to try and update you guys as much a I can about my life at SCAD, but it might not be through youtube. Bellow I'm going to list a lot of things/sites that you can keep in contact with me. I also might be uploading more often to my raws channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/gianaitalianoraws facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gianaterranova ask.fm: http://ask.fm/gianaitaliano instagram: gianaitaliano wordpress: http://gianaterranovaphotography.wordpress.com tumblr:http://icantstaph.tumblr.com