上海話版 Let It Go (讓他去) 吳語歌曲 Chinese Wu language Shanghainese version Shanghai dialect

【倫桑翻唱】Lun Sang 兔子先生 Mr. Bunny 兎さん —粵語版 原唱:洛天依 翻唱:倫桑 後期:小吳太太 詞/曲:小樺啊小樺 手繪:無益 字&視頻:花箋 沙畫:浮島木純 小娃娃問媽媽 Baby asked mummy 兔兔的家到底在哪 Where's the home of the Mr. Bunny 仰首眺望月光處 Raise up to see the moon 遙遙天邊看那月 Far away from the sky to it 小娃娃問媽媽 Baby asked mummy 兔兔先生哪天回去 When will Mr. Bunny go back 只聽見媽媽說 Heared mummy say that 流浪將跟他永遠伴隨 Vagrancy will always follows him 聽到這 娃娃說 At this moment Baby asked 為何兔子先生不聽教 Why don't Mr. Bunny listen to the teacher 如離開了 爸爸媽媽 If he left Papa and mummy 無疑都會 十分牽掛 Will missed so much without consideration 某天小娃娃他說 Someday baby say that 想知道兔兔你何時歸家 Want to know when will Mr. Bunny go home 那年離去溫和的家 Since left the warm family that year 已忘掉當天 有多瀟灑 Mr. Bunny had forgot his cheerfulness 但聽兔子先生說 And Mr. Bunny say that 今天我也盼望能歸家 I'm eager to go home this moment 看流浪的我 You see my vagrancy 始終需奔跑 Aleays need to run it 怎去停止啊 Then how to stop it 但這小娃娃哭訴 And the baby cry 今天我也去流浪好嗎 Asked if it is okay for me to vagrant 我常犯錯 氣怒媽媽 I often make mistakes angered mummy 也常挨打 痛苦喧嘩 Often get thrash painfully noise 無論有多少責罵 No matter the scold on you 今天你快快回你的家 You just go home fast today 那團聚溫馨 The family warmth 要懂得珍惜 You should cherish 趕快回家吧 Then go home 兔子輕聲說 Mr.Bunny said silently 兔子輕聲說 Mr.bunny said silently 無論有多麼的晚 No matter how late it is 忘掉那一晚 Forget that night 忘掉那呼喊 Forget the noise 懷內有對家牽掛 Take care of your family 兔子先生輕聲說 Mr. Bunny said silently 今天你快快回你的家 You just go home fast today 仍是那美麗的家 There is still your beautiful family 使你不孤單 Make it not lonely for you