Gohatto (1999). Opening scene

Here's the complete video of Yosoichi Sato-sensei's Hakone demonstration. To fully appreciate how meticulous with the details he is, you must see the whole thing. A bit of a bio: Sato was 59 years old at the time of this video. He is from Okayama prefecture. He initially studied under Yasuo Yamashibu before becoming Yoshikazu Yamashibu's student. That makes Sato-sensei's strain of iaido (Yamamoto) Harusuke-ha. You can see it in everything he does, and it's a very fine example of the ryuha's interpretation of MJER, right down to all the fine details. Sato's iaido very dynamic and alive, much like his teachers before him. These videos may be purchased from Rakuten Global. They're the beige colored videos at the bottom of this webpage: http://global.rakuten.com/en/search?pf=&pt=&f=0&fs=0&vm=2&sm=0&st=&tl=101240&k=iaido ここYosoichi佐藤先生の箱根のデモの完全なビデオだ。完全に理解する方法を細心の彼は細部で、あなたはすべてのものを参照してください必要があります。伝記のビット: 佐藤はこのビデオの時点で59歳だった。彼は岡山県からです。彼は当初義一Yamashibuの学生になる前に康夫Yamashibuに師事。これは居合道(山本)Harusuke- HAの佐藤先生の歪みになります。あなたは、彼が行うすべてのものにそれを見ることができます、そしてそれが右のすべての細部に至るまで、MJERの流派の解釈の非常に良い例です。佐藤の居合道は非常にダイナミックで生きている、彼の前に彼の教師のような多く。