快乐大本营HappyCamp-韩庚郑恺秀大衣Style 陈思诚佟丽娅现场办婚礼-【湖南卫视官方版1080P】20140125

http://www.youtube.com/user/dapaishengrihui 关注《大牌生日会》官方频道,更多精彩内容! 给大牌过生日,和大牌一起过生日,给大牌过一个让他一辈子忘不了的生日!《大牌生日会》是光线传媒巨资打造的一档明星情感秀节目。在这档节目的录制中,会有一些神秘嘉宾光临现场,他们可能是大牌明星的圈内好友、亲人、老师、同学,甚至会是他们的初恋情人或暗恋对象。这些神秘嘉宾会以他们独特的视角,揭秘明星过往鲜为人知的私密生活。 "Happy Birthday" is a light media heavily to build a profile celebrity TV show emotion. This is the program of record, there will be some mysterious guests visit the scene, they may be the big star of the circle of friends, relatives, teachers, students, and even their first love or crush objects. The mystery guest will be their unique perspective, Secret Stars past little-known private life.