客待ち タチンボエリア Vol.1(東京 新大久保)

Other Videos From Pyeontaek, Gyeongido, South Korea: South Korea Tour: A Night Walk Around Pyeontaek Subway Station 1/2 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xrpzWF3BNo] South Korea Tour: A Night Walk Around Pyeontaek Subway Station 2/2 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUR54-rU2NI] Seoul Tour: Saturday Night Walk Around Pyeongtaek Subway Station 1/3 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYELBsdgujs] Seoul Tour: Saturday Night Walk Around Pyeongtaek Subway Station 3/3 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSpaOAJ4AiM] Pyeongtaek is a city in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. Located in the southwestern part of the province, Pyeongtaek was founded as a union of two districts in 940, during the Goryeo dynasty. It was elevated to city status in 1986, and is home to a South Korean naval base and a large concentration of United States troops. The US Army installation (Camp Humphreys ) locates just outside of Anjeong-ri, a community in Pyeongtaek. Osan Air Base is in Songtan, a district in Pyeongtaek City. There is Pyeongtaek University. Pyeongtaek is a hubbub of brightly lit restaurants, bars, and cafes off of line 1 (Violet line). For those who live on the Southeastern part of Gyeonggi province, Pyeongtaek has become a favorite place to gather for dinner and a few drinks. Pyeongtaek is well-connected to the capital Seoul by subway/train. There is a large entertainment district directly to the left of Pyeongtaek Station. This video partly features this entertainment zone. [Seoul Tour: Saturday Night Walk Around Pyeongtaek Subway Station 2/3] Keywords: Seoul Tour Saturday Night Walk Pyeontaek Subway Station Gyeonggido South Korea