Life Perspective | BE PROUD OF YOUR CURVES BE PROUD OF YOUR CURVES It is good to maintain your body. It is even more preferable to go for exercise on a daily basis may that be via gym or Yoga classes. But, remember that you do not have todo this at the cost of your interest. Go for strict exercise sessions only if you want to, and definitely not just because the societal norms force you to be thin and shaped because of their meek mindedness. I know the trend set for all the women in our society to be called as ‘beautiful’ is to have a slim and trim body type. But, I would like to suggest all the #PlusSizedWomen that beauty is not about your body type, it’s about your intelligence, wit and humor that catches everyone’s attention. So, sticking to strict diets and saying “No-No” to all that you love eating is absolutely banal. Plus Size Clothing For WomenThe style lies in the fact that how you be in the society and still stand separate from their unscrupulous norms. The different makes you the distinct. No one can degrade you if you do not feel degraded of your own self regarding your body structure. If you go through the #FashionIndustry then you will see a vogue for #PlusSizeWomen. The #FashionDesigners are keen to launch #PlusSizeWomen to fit in the new style statement. So, the era for zero size seems stepping down the ladder. There’s no need to be ashamed of yourself if you are fat. It’s all about being confident in what you are and what you do. You do not need to give clarification to the world regarding your size. We are taught from our childhood that anything that consists of “too” is undesirable, for instance,‘too-fat’, ‘too-thin’, ‘too-black’, ‘too-fair’. My question is, What does this ‘too’ stand for? Who decides the intensity of ‘too’? Which one would you consider as ‘too-much’ and ‘too-less’? Confused??? Then do not spend your time and energy on thinking over these unnecessary quantitative and qualitative values which do not persist in reality. If people laugh at you or talk about you being ‘too-fat’ do not bother, because no matter what you do they will comment on everything. You just need to be what you are and feel contended about yourself. Eat healthy and whatever suits your taste buds. Flaunt the dress which you love wearing instead of avoiding them just because that highlights your curves. Remember that Happiness and Confidence is the prettiest thing you can wear. So, Eat healthy, think big and be contended with your natural possessions