Alien Races : History is Wrong 2016

DAVID ADAIR is an internationally recognized leader and expert in the field of space technology spinoff applications for industry and commercial use. He has worked as a research scientist in the fields of engineering, jet engine technology, rocket science and nuclear physics. At age of 11, David built his first rocket. It was a cryogenic liquid fuel engine that was six feet tall, 200 pounds in weight and had enough thrust to push it to an altitude of 52,000 feet and at a speed of 1,600 miles an hour with radio control guidance and parachute recovery. The rockets got bigger and faster from that point on. Today, there are only two types of rocket engines used today by the space agencies around the world liquid fuel and solid propellant. At the age of 17, David built a rocket engine that was neither one, it was an “Electromagnetic Fusion Containment" engine, the first of its kind. It was launched on June 20, 1971 from White Sands Missile Proving grounds for which he was awarded “The Most Outstanding in the field of Engineering Sciences” from the United States Air Force. David was invited to join the United States Navy, in his tour from 1972 to 1982 it was filled with engineering challenges and accomplishments and awards for serving with distinctions. During this time David became a pilot, diver and a certify jet engine technician. After the Navy, David formed his own research company called Intersect, Inc. and for the next three decades David worked in his laboratory and is a professional speaker on the subject of Space Technology Transfer where his work continues to the present. One of the most far reaching details about David Adair’s story is that the U.S. military secretly gave him support to build his rocket in 1969. Under the direction of Curtis LeMay, Colonel Bailey Arthur Williams was assigned to oversee the design of Pitholem, the rocket that was created by Adair and launched from White Sands New Mexicoto Area 51. Through the years I have followed the story, wanting to believe, but waiting for some fact to disprove Adair’s testimony. Then I met Jan Williams, daughter of Colonel Bailey Arthur Williams (USAF Ret.). She had contacted David Adair after hearing him speak on a radio show about his development of the rocket in connection with her father. Her father had recently passed away, and she and her brother, Steven Williams, a famous radio show host in his own right, had discovered many unexplainable items in their father’s personal belongings. Jan contacted the radio station and asked the radio show host to send an email on her behalf to David Adair so that she could question him about his relationship with her father. Jan Williams was no pushover. She was a highly intelligent and articulate woman who had visited the top secret offices of Strategic Air Command Headquarters on “family days” as a child, since her father was a senior ranking officer of Strategic Air Command. She contacted David and questioned him about his involvement with her father, his rocket design, Area 51, Arthur Rudolph and Wernher Von Braun. Anyone who knew Jan could tell you that she could spot BS a mile away, and wouldn’t sit quietly for it. Being a private “debunker” by nature, after her calculated review of David’s story, she and David became longtime friends. When I asked her if there was any way David could know the things he knew about Colonel Bailey Arthur Williams without having a personal relationship with him, she emphatically replied “No.” Jan Williams was stricken with ALS in the later years of her life and this is visible in her interview. She passed away just one year ago. Here is a brief clip from her interview about David Adair.