《对话》 20171217 中国制造新时代 | CCTV财经

黑龍江龍鎮, 搭乘火車新體驗, 黑龍江黑河市, 中國最美的邊境市, 黑河,小新屯, 小興安嶺上的俄羅斯村, 黑河往呼瑪縣城, 向北路途遙遙未知, 養足精神再出發, 塔河18站, 漠河金礦驛站第18, 中國北極第一門, 大雪紛飛,路難行, 黑龍江漠河縣, 中國最靠北的縣城, 漠河老金溝, 片地是黃金的胭脂溝, 漠河北極村, 中國最靠北的村子 Heilongjiang Longzhen, Take the train new experience, Heilongjiang Heihe City, China's most beautiful border city, Heihe, small new Tuen, Xiaoxing'anling on the Russian village, Heihe to Huma County, North road is unknown, Raising the spirit and then start, Tahe 18 stations, Mohe Gold Mine Inn 18th, China's Arctic first door, Snow, the road is difficult, Heilongjiang Mohe County, China's most northern county, Mohe old gold ditch, Piece is the golden rouge ditch, Mohe Arctic Village, China 's most northern village