《星期二特写:浮生街影》第1集 - 马里士他路

12/12/2017 播出 芽笼自19世纪中期开始发展,到1930年代大致形成现今所见单巷、双巷分立的街廓格局。 曾伫立在芽笼路头的快乐世界,在1960、1970年代最为风光,里头的各种娱乐设施与体育竞赛,是一代新加坡人的深刻回忆。 由快乐歌剧社舞女所创办的快乐学校,更是教育史上的传奇,不但让芽笼一带的普罗阶层子弟有受教育的机会,还培养了一名马来族的音乐家。 夜晚的芽笼,以灯红酒绿的景象知名,然而自禁酒令出台后,芽笼的人气与钟点酒店生意大不如前。 近年越来越多的新移民迁入芽笼,这里的地景面貌,将会如何变化? Streets of Memory Series 2 Episode 5 - Geylang Part 1 Geylang’s development started as early as mid 19th century. By 1930, the area had already been divided into odd and even-numbered streets. Happy World once stood prominently at Geylang Road in the 1960s and 1970s. The centre was well known for its variety of activities and sport competitions, and till this day many pioneer folks still hold sweet memories of the place. Happy School at Geylang Lorong 14, was a very special place with its unique story. The school was founded by a group of dance hostesses from Happy World. They forked out their own money to provide education for the children from poor families. The school had groomed thousands of students, including a notable Malay musician. Known for its colourful nightlife, the crowds at Geylang have not been the same ever since the alcohol-prohibition law was imposed in recent years. Business has been quiet for some hotel operators, but more and more new immigrants are moving in. How will Geylang evolve further?