劳勿猫山王福哥 - 受邀港中节目“马来榴莲疯味”采访

Raub Fook Gor Musang King Being Interviewed In "The Taste Of Durian" Show on Hong Kong TV 福哥榴莲农场 Fook Gor Durian Farm Address: No.428, Sungai Klau, 27630 Raub, Pahang, D.M.Malaysia. HP: +6011-1077 6932 位于彭亨州劳勿的雙溪吉流( Sungai Klau)与雙溪兰 (Sungai Ruan)两条村子加起来大约有千五户人家,但两条村子间却有两千多段榴莲园,使得劳勿除了成为彭亨州盛产榴莲的地方,更是全马以“猫山王”著称的榴莲产地。 猫山王,是雙溪吉流 的榴莲园园主陈来福取的名字。取名为猫山王,因为那是他从话望生(Gua Musang) 带回来的榴莲。当年, 他在话望生的芭场当工头,吃到当地一户人家种的榴莲,觉得质感和味道都很好,于是带了“树眼”回雙溪吉流自己“驳回”。村里的人把话望生叫做“猫山”,来自Gua Musang 中的 “Musang” 谐音,陈来福见其果肉黄澄澄,便叫它“猫山王”。 1986年,陈来福的可可园翻种。和绝大部分的村民一样,当时村民多以种可可为主,在园里搭种榴莲。名种榴莲还未盛行的年代, 人们吃的多数是廉价的土榴莲,虽然价不高,也可卖到价钱。 为了赚更多钱,许多园主在翻种芭时改种榴莲。 他在那个时候开始种下12棵“猫山王",但尚未命名。 7年后,榴莲开始收成, 人们只当作是普通榴莲,价钱是6至8令吉一公斤。后来,人们觉得口感粘稠,味道浓烈的滋味特好。于是便为其命名,陈来福说,整个劳勿的人都知道猫山王是福哥带回来的,是福哥取的名字,榴莲和其他商品一样,有了名字就有了品牌, 名字越响,价钱越高,猫山王崛起的年代,市价最高时可达80令吉一公斤。曾经,他的园里产出体积最大、最重的猫山王达4.8公斤,一粒榴莲的价钱就有200令吉左右。 他的猫山王一年里有10个月的收成,并且一年结出3次果实。目前这一批榴莲,从6月开始掉至10月中结束后,再施肥,待明年1月,今次尚未开花结果的榴莲枝就会开花,另一批榴莲又接踵而来了。 The name “Musang King” was coined by Tan Lai Fook (Fook Gor), the owner of a durian orchard in Sungai Klau; as it was a type of durian he sought from Gua Musang, Kelantan years ago. Fook Gor happened to have a taste of local durians back then, his appreciation toward the texture and exquisite taste prompted him to brought back some buds for grafting. He decided to name it “Musang King” as the durians originated from Gua Musang and its impressive golden yellow flesh is befitting the king of fruits.   Fook Gor’s cocoa farm underwent replanting in 1986. Like most villagers, cocoa planting was primary while durians were a side interest as an extra source of income. Back then, most of the durians consumed were cheap, local ones.   That year, he planted twelve trees of “Musang King” but it was not given a name yet.   Seven years later the fruits were initially sold between RM6 to RM8 per kilo just like other local durians. However, it started to gain attention due to its fine texture and potent taste. Fook Gor said that the people of Raub knew that he was the one who brought back this type of durian and coined the name “Musang King” thereafter. From then onwards, “Musang King” durians became popular and the prices skyrocketed, fetching up to RM80 per kilo during its peak.   The biggest and heaviest durian he ever produces weighed 4.8kg, fetching around RM200 with just one whole fruit.   The “Musang King” durians gave him ten months of harvest in a year with three fruiting intervals.