
Discover the most secret side of the world's association “Freemasonry” with us that you might never heard, but exist and conquering the world in terms of economy, military and politic. Cari bahagian yang paling rahsia di dunia, persatuan "Freemasonry" yang mungkin anda tidak pernah mendengar, tetapi wujud dan menakluk dunia dari segi ekonomi, ketenteraan dan politik 找出世界的真正统治者,你可能从来没有听说过,但存在和征服世界的经济,军事和政治的“共济会”。 You are welcome to comment and discuss about your point of view about the "Freemasonry", it is a truth or a hoax. *We only share this video for those who are interested, non of the informations and words from this video is views or opinions of us.* More about "Freemasonry" documented online: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freemasonry English Documentary about "Freemasonry" (With Chinese Subtitle) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgwPNI5ttqY Chinese Show about "Freemasonry" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TV9gVWDEU7A