فيلم تربية النحل بمنحلي الخاص (استمتع)

Rose hives are a particular type of beehive and one that I've used for many years. Usually hive boxes are made with lots of fiddly little parts -- this way uses just four. I know they don't look very lovely, but they are incredibly cheap and quick to make and the bees do very well in them. This is mostly to do with the management system that goes along with them -- all the boxes and frames are the same size and there's no queen excluder. You could make boxes to fit other types of hives using the same method (National, Smith, Commercial, Dadant, Langstroth, etc. etc.) If you're interested, there's more info on Rose Hives on www.rosebeehives.com and more videos on David's excellent channel..https://www.youtube.com/user/workwithnature