非關命運:愛上迷人花心男 無法自拔怎麼辦?(1/4) 20120719

https://www.youtube.com/user/umiwichina【优米网umiwi】官方频道 更多精彩视频 张怡筠,心理学博士。她曾在研究所任教11年,也曾做过企管顾问,后来成为活跃于各大媒体的心理专家。如何谈一场成功的恋爱,如何让爱情更加完美幸福,这是很多现代年轻人心中的困惑。本期节目张怡筠与您一同分享如何谈一场完美的恋爱。张怡筠活跃于媒体的心理学专家,大学教授,国家二级心理咨询师,"爱上情商网"网站主持人,资深企业培训师(国内外著名企业逾五百家,如微软、德州仪器、花旗银行、宝洁、诺基亚、中国银行、中国电信、宝钢等)。工作重点为情商的全方位研究及推广,专业的学理训练,丰富的演说经验,使得张博士能整合各派心理学理论,并以深入浅出的方式,发展出实用的生活技巧。曾在2007年接受《人物新周刊》的邀请做了一期节目,非常精彩。【文化丝绸之路】https://www.youtube.com/user/umiwichina the optimal meters net umiwi 】 the official channel more wonderful video,ZhangYiJun, psychology doctor. She had taught in the institute for 11 years and have done business administration consultant, later became active in each big media psychological experts. How to field successful love, how to make love more perfect happiness, this is a lot of modern young people the confusion. This program ZhangYiJun share with you how to a perfect love. ZhangYiJun active in media professor of psychology, university professor, national secondary psychological consultants, "fall in love with love business web site host, senior enterprise training specialist (domestic and international famous enterprise more than five hundred, such as Microsoft, Texas instruments, citibank, p&g, nokia, the bank of China, China telecom, baosteel, etc.). Focus for emotional quotient of the comprehensive research and promotion, professional academic training, rich speech experience, make Dr. Zhang can integrate each psychology theory, and simply way, develop practical life skills. Once in 2007 to accept the people new weekly invitation made a stage show, very wonderful.