In this video Bret "Glute Guy" Contreras answers your questions about how to build your booty! Timestamps below: 00:01 Introduction of Bret Contreras 01:43 The best way for a beginner to start building a booty? 05:03 How often (how many times a week) should you train the glutes? 08:34 Should you train your glutes when they are sore? 12:10 How should quad & hamstring dominant people train for glutes & booty? 17:42 How should you eat to grow the glutes? Also, how much protein is needed? 20:41 Does lifting heavier weights, when training the booty, produce faster muscle growth? 23:04 Does cardio ruin the glute/booty gains? 26:24 How to perform the Barbell Hip Thrust with correct form & technique 28:30 How to perform the Goblet Squat with correct form & technique 30:27 How to perform the Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift with correct form & technique Go Follow Bret Contreras on social media for more awesome content! The reference to protein intake per kilogram body weight is 1.6 grams of protein per kilo body weight. Ref: Quick summarized answers to the questions: 1. What is the best way for a beginner to start building a booty? People usually look at what other people are doing, like people who have been training their whole lives, and they try to mimic that. You can't go from A to C overnight. You need to master your body weight and learn the movement patterns of the exercises. Use light weights and make sure your form is very good. Minibands are also very good to start off with learning the movement pattern, before challenging yourself with too heavy weights. 2. How often should you train the glutes/your booty? The short answer is 3 times a week, the long answer is 2-6 times a week mainly depending on two factors: The first factor is your genetics: If you have good recovery genetics you can train very hard, recover fast and workout soon again. The second factor is depending on the exercises you perform: if you do only do like high rep glute bridge, hip thrust & back extension are exercises who do not stretch your muscles a lot, and therefore don't damage them as much. you can do those more frequently. However, if you do lunges, step-ups, squats and so on, exercises who stretch your muscles a lot. They have a big systemic load on your body, these exercises beat you down a bit. With these exercises, you can train less, like a 2 times a week. 3. Should you train your glutes when they are sore? There are different levels of muscle soreness. Too much soreness will interfere with muscle growth, it will become contra productive. We all want a little bit of soreness, like a mild level of soreness. Don't strive for soreness, instead try to find success in your progress in the training, increase your reps and sets and weights. Train hard but don't set your goal to be as sore as possible after each and every workout. 4. How should quad & hamstring dominant people train for glutes & booty? Feeling contact and pump in the glutes rather than the quads and hamstrings is good. BUT - don't obsess about it. Sometimes you won't feel the contact as much in the glutes or you won't have any pump. As long as you're doing great exercises for the glutes with the correct form you will be fine. Also, sometimes you won't feel the activation in the glutes EVEN IF you're actually activating them. For example, you might not feel as much contact in the glutes during a hip thrust, but you HAVE TO activate your glutes in order to perform the movement of the exercise. There's no way around it. It's good to have a balance in your body, which means it's good to have strength and muscles in your quads and hamstrings as well as your glutes. However, you can tailor your workouts to be more glutes dominant if that is your goal. This would include performing more bridging, thrusting and frog pumping type of exercises. Don't do so many squats, deadlifts and leg extensions and curls. 5. How should you eat to grow the glutes? Also, how much protein is needed? First of all, you don't need to be cutting or bulking constantly. You can build the booty on a balance. You want to get 0.8-1 gram of protein per lbs of body weight per day (1.6 gram protein per kg of body weight per day). There's research proving you don't build extra muscle by going crazy on the protein. Staying around the recommended amount should be enough. 6. Does lifting heavier weights, when training the booty, produce faster muscle growth? The common comprehension is that you have to go really heavy to build muscle. You DON'T have to be going heavy to be building muscles. You build the same amount of muscles whether going in like a 1-5 rep range, or 6-12, 12-20 range. The crucial thing is rather that you are close to failure. 7.