沙薑雞 - AA制 Ginger Chicken - Going Dutch

今日試整台灣嘅紅燒牛肉麵,再講多少少溝女嘢。 Taiwanese beef noodles, fit for a cold, rainy night in Stoke. Today's topic is my plea to all men to stay true to themselves. 四人份量 For four people: 牛腱2條 - 2 beef shins 洋蔥2個 - 2 onions 薑5片 - 5 slices of ginger 蔥3條 - 3 stalks of spring onions 紅蘿蔔1條 - 1 carrot 白蘿蔔半條 - half a white radish 八角4片 - 4 star anise 桂皮1條 - 1 cinnamon bark 花椒粒1湯匙 - 1tbsp of sichuan peppercorns 黑胡椒粒1湯匙 - 1tbsp of black peppercorns 月桂葉兩片 - 2 bay leaves 米酒3/4杯 - 3/4 cup of rice wine 辣豆瓣醬3大匙 - 3 tbsp of spicy bean paste 生抽半杯 - half a cup of light soy sauce 麻油1湯匙 - 1tbsp of sesame oil 冰糖兩片 - 2 rock sugars 小棠菜(或白菜)4條 - 4 stalks of bak choys 幼或粗麵條 - Chinese white noodles