अगर ये लक्षण नजर आएं तो तुरंत अपना कोलेस्ट्रॉल चेक करवाएं | signs your arteries full of cholesterol

A old And easy method to cure deficiency of Vitamin D by home remidies.Our friend N K Mehra has floated very useful video once again on YouTube on Vitamin D - deficiency. It is very common these days in young & old & many problems crop in & one of the cause is vitamin D - less than 12 . He suggests to take pathology report of vitamin D time to time. He relates cause of deficiency to our Life Style - no exposure to sun light - more use of Air-conditioning in office & home . Doctor suggest vitamin D supplements - along with this he came out with simple home remedy which he has tried on himself & other - to be done for one month to get adequate result. See full video - & start from today : Take 3 full Anjeer (figs) duely cleaned ( need not cut) & soak it in sufficient quantity of good cold pressed Olive oil - which can soak fully all 3 Anjeer . Keep it overnight & next day morning eat Anjeer . (For children can take 2 Anjeer). Keep same oil to soak every day - replenish time to time .repeat this for one month & inform result of change in vitamin D. It has many other benefits also which are not highlighted here.